At Noble Pacific Tax Group , our accountants are highly educated in taxation for filmmakers, entertainers, photographers, and all segments of the entertainment industry. Whether you’re in music, movies, or professional athletics, we can develop a personalized tax strategy to protect your financial welfare.
We understand the complicated state, federal, and international tax compliance issues that entertainers face and ensure that your taxes are paid accurately and on time to avoid penalties. We’ll help you take advantage of all applicable tax credits and deductions to minimize your tax liability to the least amount allowed by law.
At Noble Pacific Tax Group, we care about each of our clients and it shows. We’re committed to prompt, friendly service so someone is always available to answer your questions when you have immediate concerns. Call us now at 323-498-1040 or 562-485-9030 to discuss your tax needs or request a consultation through our website and we’ll contact you shortly.
Douglas Dick has earned the special designation of being a Certified Tax Coach (CTC). This means he is a highly-trained tax planner with the ability to identify tax credits, deductions, and loopholes that the average CPA, accountant, or Enrolled Agent does not know how to find. Visit our tax Certified Tax Coaching website to learn more.